Welcome to Fall 2020!

73776 artsci incubator decal[1]Welcome to Fall 2020! This academic year will clearly be like no other, but whether you’re teaching face-to-face, completely online, or a combination of both, the Incubator is here for you. All our activities will be virtual this semester, but our commitment to providing you with practical resources, support, and a sense of community surrounding teaching is just as strong as ever. Here’s a preview of what we have in store:

More blog resources: We’re ramping up our posts each week this fall, with an emphasis on practical tips, tools, and research to help you meet the pedagogical challenges of teaching during the pandemic. Teaching a lab online? Looking for new ways to incorporate and assess performance in a virtual environment? Need an introduction to—or refresher on—best practices in online learning? We’ve got you covered.

Virtual Innovation Pop-Ups: Each month, one of our Faculty Associates will share an innovative teaching projects in a lively, informal format.

This semester’s featured projects include a virtual-reality module created for an undergraduate criminal justice course, an interdisciplinary summer coding “boot camp” for graduate students, a toolkit for integrating arts activities into non-arts classes, and results from a successful program for enhance graduate student teaching in math courses.

DDF7F778-9868-44F1-B6D1-3D8927DD27EAReacting to the Past / Role-Playing Games in Teaching Group: Building on the interest expressed by attendees at last spring’s INCUBATE workshop, we’re hosting a group for faculty and instructors to learn more about this nationally-recognized teaching approach and/or incorporating a game into their courses. Stay tuned for further details.

cat corner

CAT Corner Focus Groups:
Small-group Conversations About Teaching will continue to report on innovative teaching throughout the college and promote conversations about teaching. Email Ronda Sanders if you’d like to participate in a group or nominate a colleague!


We’ll also be announcing the next cohort of newly appointed Faculty Associates and Graduate Student Leadership team soon, and highlighting the new projects and ideas they’ll be bringing to the Incubator.

One event that won’t happen this fall is our annual Gamecock Teaching Days, which we’ve postponed until Spring 2021—we hope you’ll join us then to see some of the most inspiring CAS faculty in action.

We hope many of you will join us for these exciting programs. Once again, let us know if you have programming ideas to share or ideas about how we can better support the work you do in the classroom. We’d love to hear from you — email me at chfriend@mailbox.sc.edu with your thoughts and suggestions. Best wishes for a successful, satisfying semester!

Christy Friend headshot photo to accompany bioChristy Friend is the inaugural director of the Incubator, a professor of English, and Director of Innovative Teaching and Experiential Learning Initiatives for College of Arts and Sciences. 

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